Soft Fruit IPM Toolbox

SWAY Strawberries

An overview of Soft Fruit IPM

This resource is designed as an educational tool for anyone with an interest in integrated pest management (IPM) of pests in horticulture crops. IPM involves using a combination of methods....Click here to go to this Sway

Large Raspberry Aphids

Resistant and tolerant varieties

Using resistant and tolerant cultivars is an important tool of any IPM toolbox.  The James Hutton institute has been researching the use of resistant and tolerant soft fruit varieties for several pest species and diseases for over 40 years.  Read more....

Parasitoid release in raspberries

Monitoring and alternative control strategies

Monitoring provides a way of alerting growers to potential problems and allows control measures to be applied before the situation becomes harder to control.  Alternative control measures are an important part of an IPM strategy and often these alternatives, such as biocontrol, work best if applied early.  Read more...

Cherry Bee


Although many soft fruit species are capable of self-pollination, insect pollination produces higher yields and more aesthetically attractive fruit.  Commercially supplied pollinators and naturally occurring pollinators both contribute to pollination. Read more...

Successful Aphidius Wasp Oviposition

Molecular techniques

Although not used directly by the grower, molecular techniques are vital to identify pests accurately and understand the population dynamics of pests. Molecular analysis of the bacterial community associated with vine weevils is a vital step in understanding whether the insect bacterial community plays an important role in insect adaptation (Morera-Margarit et al., 2019). Read more here....


Successful Aphidius Wasp Oviposition

Other Information

The toolbox is constantly modified as changes in agronomic practices (protected environments and reduced reliance on chemicals), climate change and accidental introductions of pests alter the relative importance of different pests and diseases.  Being able to fill in knowledge gaps of significant pests (e.g. report on soft fruit aphids) and availability to keep these pests alive in collections helps us undertake research that is vital for sustainable soft fruit production (e.g. Graham et al., 2019).